Synth MooVier is a freeware application capable of producing 3-D QuickTime™ animation.
Its notable features are:
• integrated 3-D modeler;
• high-quality rendering (Phong shading);
• complete control over material properties (color, shininess, transparency);
• multiple, colored light sources (point, directional or spot); fog effect;
• export of 3-D models in VRML format (1.0 compliant);
• control of movie quality (fps) and frame dimensions;
• small RAM and disk footprint.
In order to produce an animation, you have to model the actors in the scene (by assembling solid primitives) and to define their behaviors over time, which means you can, in specified temporal interval, modify all their attributes, as position, dimensions, colors, rendering type; the light sources can be smoothly turned on or off; and the special actors (like the view camera) can be managed in the same way.
For a look at movie quality, you can compile the movies in the Examples folder (see Quick Start section of the User Manual in Docs folder). Below is a snapshot from Hello World doc.
For a brief description of changes from old versions, see the User Manual.
Hardware/Software requirements
Macintosh model with 68020 processor or better (FPU not required*);
8-bit/256 colors video card (16-bit/thousands recommended);
768 kb of free RAM (1Mb recommended);
MacOS 7.x or better;
QuickTime 1.5 or better.
* an unsupported FPU-enabled version for Mac with a 68881/2 coprocessor or a 68040 processor is available by contacting the author via e-mail; it's incompatible with PowerPC processor.
The Author
Synth MooVier has been developed by Marco Bonasoro, an italian programmer. His address is:
Marco Bonasoro
via Pertini, 24
20097 San Donato Milanese (MI)
Suggestions, bug reporting and other notes will be welcome.
Other Information
Synth MooVier 2.2 has been released in March, 1998. You can check for update and new versions in major ftp sites (currently Info-Mac stores it in the /gst/mov/ directory).
The complete package includes:
• Synth MooVier 2.2 (the application)
• ReadMe - Synth MooVier (this document)
• Docs folder (documentation in text and HTML format)
• Examples folder (some Synth MooVier documents)
For information about redistribution, see the Legal Stuff section in User Manual, included in the Docs folder.